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The History of MPSAABO

Over a period of three years and through the efforts of Barry Ault and his colleagues, the Muskoka Parry Sound Basketball Referees' Association. (MPSBBRA) was formed. In the early 1980’s to improve the quality of officiating and to give it its own identity a small board was formed. Barry Ault, Craig Teakle, Douglas Peacock, an official from Rosseau and two ladies from Parry Sound formed the board of officials to represent the Muskoka Parry Sound. Prior to the formation of the Muskoka Parry Sound Board of Officials the officials of this area were members of the Barrie Board. This limited the opportunities for quality games and the needed training for improvement led to the formation of a separate board. The first constitution containing the names of the executive, a list of officials and a geological description of the domain was developed. Upon meeting the requirements of membership the MPSBBRA was officially recognized in 1985. Jeff Henderson and David Robbins were actively involved in the revision of the constitution. It was formulated into a written document. At that time the name of the board became the Muskoka Parry Sound Association of Approved Basketball Officials. (MPSAABO) During the interval between 1995 and 2009 our board became more actively involved in the Provincial body (OABO) with members serving as the Northern Representative and serving in other capacities. We have enhanced our training programs, recruiting and developing officials, to accommodate the growing need for more and better trained officials. Some of our officials have transferred to other boards due to work or education commitments. We presently have eight IAABO officials. The MPS Board has continued to grow in size and stature to its present day format. Presently our board has membership of fifteen with the expectancy to increase by three or more officials in the fall of 2009. Our mandate is to continue to serve the jurisdiction of Muskoka Parry Sound with quality officiating with a commitment to grow professionally and to be active members of the Ontario Association of Basketball Officials.
COPYRIGHT, 2002 Mark Stevens, Adam Zochowski, All Rights Reserved

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